As a dedicated NGO committed to making a difference, transparency is at the heart of everything we do. Today, we’re sharing a detailed breakdown of our funds, showing exactly how we’ve allocated the €12,721 entrusted to us. Our journey is fueled by your support, and here’s how we put every euro to good use:

We raised €3,233.79 through our fundraising at the Euro Cup that was organised by the European Parliament @europeanparliament. Additionally, our involvement in the Brussels Christmas market enabled the compassionate community to contribute, assisting us in raising €9,488. Specials thanks to Brussels ville @bxllaville and the mayor of Brussels @philippe_close.

Expenditure Insights of Point of Resilience:

• Tent: €4,600

• Generator: €2,000

• Covering: €388

• Internal work enhancements: €119

• Heater to warm hearts and hands: €300

• Transportation for our cause: €1,000

• Starlink: €1,000

• Tent maintenance for 3 months: €7,400 (Thanks to our amazing volunteers!)

In total, we spent €16 707. The Point of Resilience served approximately 50 people per day, providing them with warmth, food, and Internet access. After its operation ended, all materials were transferred to the fighters of the 1st Separate Assault Battalion “Wolves of Da Vinci.”

Point of resilience
Point of resilience
Point of resilience

The difference was covered from the fund of Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher, who support the Promote Ukraine team.

We thank everybody for the donations!

Soldiers from the First Separate Assault Battalion "Wolves of Da Vinci" received equipment from Promote Ukraine
Soldiers from the First Separate Assault Battalion "Wolves of Da Vinci" received equipment from Promote Ukraine
Soldiers from the First Separate Assault Battalion "Wolves of Da Vinci" received equipment from Promote Ukraine

If you like this type of rapport, donate 10 euro:

Account number: BE61 7370 6304 7417

Reference: Support for Ukraine


Account holder: Promote Ukraine

Bank: KBC Belgium

Promote Ukraine Team

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