We are glad to invite you to an informal event that will take place this Sunday. It is a Charity BBQ with our veterans and the PU team!

You’ve probably heard that this week we’re having our Ukrainian veterans join the 20km race in Brussels and a range of events aimed at bringing awareness to the important cause of veteran rehabilitation. After the formal part, we decided to organise a charity BBQ in Villa Montald, 1200, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Brussels.

The event is open to everyone, but the number of places is limited!
To save your place, you may register until Friday!

Here is a registration link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx…

As the participation is free, we encourage you to make a donation at the event entrance. All funds will go for medical prostheses for the veterans, so we will be thankful for any contribution!

Hope to see you there 

  • Save the date: 26 May 2024
  • 16:00 
  • Villa Montald
  • Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, 1200, Brussels

Promote Ukraine Team

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