Join the demonstration to free Mariupol Defenders.

  • 21 May, 18:00
  • Pl. de l’Albertine, 1000 Brussel

The cry for the freedom of the defenders of Mariupol has been sounding with pain for two years now.

The battle for Mariupol began after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February and lasted until 20 May 2022.

Defenders of the city – the military of Azov special purpose squad, the 12th brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard, the 36th separate brigade of the marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, border guards, Mariupol city police, volunteers and territorial defence representatives held the fort while in full envelopment, without replenishment of food, medicine and weapon stock as well as without additional human resources.The defence continued every day under the brutal pressure of aviation, artillery, and ground infantry.

Not only the city, but also the lives of its defenders came under the control of the Russian Federation — the lives that are being brutally destroyed in Russian captivity!

According to Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, political leaders of France, Turkey, Israel and Switzerland, along with UN Secretary General, were all involved in the negotiations on the lead-out of Ukrainian military from Azovstal.

Current situation:

  1. Mariupol garrison defenders have been in Russian Captivity for 24 months.
  2. Not a single ICRC mission or delegation can get to the place of detention.
  3. The exact place of Mariupol military personnel detention is kept secret and disclosed to no one.
  4. The communication of Mariupol military with their families was terminated on 20 May 2022.
  5. On 29 July 2022, the representatives of Russian Federation Armed Forces organised a terrorist act in Olenivka – more than 50 POWs from Mariupol were killed, literally burning alive.
  6. The exchanged military of the Mariupol garrison tell about the cruellest torture, the consequences of which lead to disabilities and sometimes even the death of POWs.

Two years of daily torture, physical and psychological abuse.

Two years of hope to return home.

Go to the demonstration on 21 May and become the voice of FREEDOM.

Promote Ukraine Team

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