We are proud to have our Ukrainian veterans in Brussels. They have a great mission here — bringing awareness to the important cause of veteran rehabilitation and showing support for those who have given so much to defend Ukraine!

In the following days, together with our veterans, we have a range of important events and meetings aimed at advocating for increased support systems for veterans.

On Sunday, 26 May, our veterans will run a 20km race in Brussels, showcasing their resilience. And after the race, there is a charity BBQ, an informal event, where everyone can join (fill the form in the head of our profile).

Here is also a kind reminder: fundraising is ongoing.

The objective is to support the veterans’ visit. The remaining funds will be given to the Благодійний фонд «Громадянин» / Citizen Charity foundation whose mission is to provide comprehensive assistance to servicemen with amputations.

Donation Details https://www.ukrainianhub.eu/donate

Account Name: Promote Ukraine

Bank: KBC Belgium

Account Number: BE61 7370 6304 7417


Communication: VETERANS (very important to indicate)


Yurii Kozlovskyi

Рома Кашпур

Владислав Шатіло

Іван Дрозд

Євген Смага

Ph: Anastasia Varvarina

Promote Ukraine Team

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