Today, an Extraordinary Summit was held within the walls of the Council of the European Union, at which European leaders agreed on the budget for the coming years, including an aid package for Ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros.

Ukrainians could not remain silent! Promote Ukraine, together with the community of Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine, gathered under the walls of the Council of the European Union to express a clear position: Ukraine needs help now! Slowing down aid gives the enemy an opportunity to improve and become stronger, while Ukraine loses dozens of lives every day.

The world must act now! To ensure a real victory for Ukraine and lasting peace in Europe, Ukraine needs more support, while Russia must be heavily sanctioned and terrorist state assets must be transferred to support Ukraine!

The result of today’s Summit was the adoption of a decision on an aid package to Ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros, because the voice of Ukraine is being heard. Many thanks to the EU leaders for their support!

Thank you to everyone who comes to our demonstrations; your voice matters!
Photos: Anastasia Varvarina
Promote Ukraine Team