Images of executed civilians, stories of rape and torture have taken the war to the next level and testify to war crimes. They must be investigated thoroughly. This is the opinion of Marta Barandiy, president of NGO “Promote Ukraine.”

“Yesterday on the LN24 Belgian channel, I discussed this issue with a lawyer, who is initiating proceedings over Russia’s war crimes on behalf of a Ukrainian client,” said Marta Barandiy.

She continued, “I remember that back in 2014, as an international lawyer, I regarded Russia’s violations of international law as the first step towards a forced change in the international order. I felt the need to create a platform of international lawyers for Ukraine – a network that would defend international law and democracy professionally, in the courts. Eight years have passed, and the need for professional defence has re-emerged.”

We hope that by uniting, they will hold liable Putin and the Russians who commit war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine. And we hope they will be able to prove that what is happening in Ukraine today is genocide.

Source: LN24

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