The monitors of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe recorded almost 300 ceasefire violations in Donbas over 21 June. A major part of attacks and explosions occurred in the Donetsk region – 254, including 117 explosions.

According to the OSCE, most ceasefire violations took place near the Donetsk Filtration Station. The situation was tense in the area of ​​Yasynuvata, where the monitors heard 64 bursts from heavy machine guns.

In addition, in the Luhansk region, the OSCE recorded 36 ceasefire violations, including 17 explosions of unknown origin.

The Mission’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted, including at the checkpoints of armed groups near Horlivka, Starolaspa, and Nova Maryivka in the Donetsk region and at the non-government-controlled border crossing point near Dolzhanske in the Luhansk region.

As a reminder, there is no real withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine’s borders despite bold statements. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, out of more than 100,000 Russian troops amassed on the border with Ukraine at the time of the alleged cessation of military exercises, no more than 12,000 have been withdrawn in more than a month.

Natalia Tolub

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