During a working visit to Warsaw, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a joint declaration by the leaders of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine, the press service of the Head of State informs.

Presidents of five countries met in the capital of Poland to celebrate the 230th anniversary of the adoption of the 3 May Constitution. It was the first modern state effective fundamental law on our continent and the second one worldwide.

“Mindful of the historical experiences, proud of the achievements of our contemporary cooperation in the region and conscious of the challenges, we look with hope to the future. We express the conviction that the prosperity of our common heritage and common home, rooted in the European civilisation, demands that, just like home, also Europe be built on the basis of fundamental values and principles. These are with no doubt freedom, sovereignty, territorial integrity, democracy, the rule of law, equality, and solidarity. A uniting Europe should remain open to all countries and nations which share the above-mentioned values,” reads the declaration.

Presidents note that they approach with understanding and support the persistent strivings of all the peoples of the region, with whom the nations are joined by common historical fate, and who wish to enjoy today the blessings of freedom and democracy while courageously demanding that their rights be respected.

Moreover, the leaders underscore that the solidarity of nations is one of the cornerstones of peace, stability, development, prosperity, and resilience.

“Led by this assertion, we are committed to continuing the dialogue and cooperation among the states we represent,” the document emphasises.

Later, during a bilateral meeting, President of Poland Andrzej Duda and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a joint declaration on Ukraine’s European prospects.

According to the Polish leader, Poland continues to consistently support Ukraine in the issue of the European prospect.

Bohdan Marusyak

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