Our goal is to fundraise 1000 EUR for personal protective equipment. Hanna needs 5 tourniquets, a tile carrier, and shoes.

The story of Hanna below.

At the beginning of the war, Hanna went to Germany, where she was kindly provided with the housing and everything she needed there. She even managed to get a job in Germany in a dental practice (in Ukraine, before the full scale invasion, Hanna studied at a medical university).

Despite all of this, Hanna wanted to be as useful to her homeland as possible, so she decided to come back to Ukraine, and now she’s undergoing training and is going to the front.

You can help us to provide Hanna with the necessary equipment with your donation!

Donation Details:

Account Name: Promote Ukraine

Bank: KBC Belgium

Account Number: BE61 7370 6304 7417


Communication: PPE (very important to indicate)


Promote Ukraine Team

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