The decryption of UIA passenger airliner recorders crashed in Iran confirmed the fact of “illegal interference to the aircraft,” stated Deputy Foreign Minister Yevhen Yenin.

“I am grateful to all the partners who helped bring this moment closer. The PS752 black boxes were successfully read and decrypted, ” the official wrote on Twitter.

He also added that Ukraine expects that the first round of talks with the Iranian side on the disaster will take place next week.

The recorders’ decryption started on 21 July. Accredited representatives and technical consultants were involved in the process. The day before, the French Civil Aviation Safety Research and Analysis Bureau announced that the decryption was over.

The Boeing-737 plane of the Ukrainian airline UIA, enroute from Tehran to Kyiv, was shot down during the night of 8 January 2020. All 167 passengers and nine crew members died.

Iran initially declared the technical problems a reason for the aircraft crash. Later, Iranian authorities admitted that the plane was shot down by the military “due to a human error.”

Bohdan Marusyak

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