Russia in the annexed Crimea oppresses Ukrainians and continues to change the composition of the population to increase the number of “loyal” to Russian authorities. This was stated by the Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Anton Korynevych.

According to Ukrainian authorities, the Russian Federation has already relocated at least 300,000 of its citizens to the annexed peninsula.

“One of the biggest problems for us now … and we are talking about it on any international platform, is the “new colonization” of Crimea. Of course, when we talk about the “colonization” of Crimea, we are talking about changes in the demographic composition of the population in Crimea. The Russian Federation is implementing a comprehensive policy aimed at changing the composition of the population in the temporarily occupied Crimea,” Korynevych said.

He also added that the occupying power is ousting from the peninsula those citizens whom it perceives as a threat.

“Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar journalists, public figures and others who do not recognize attempts to annex Crimea are being expelled from the peninsula. They (the occupying power – ed.) Also, facilitate the illegal movement of citizens of the Russian Federation to the territory of the occupied Crimea. And these are servicemen and members of their families, law enforcement officers, officials, etc.,” Korynevych explained.

At the same time, Russia is transferring Ukrainian citizens from Crimea to their permanent residence on its territory. Another problem in Crimea, according to Ukrainian officials, is the forcible “passportization” of Ukrainians who are under pressure to change their citizenship.

Bohdan Marusyak

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