Today, the acting President of Promote Ukraine was invited to an important event, dedicated to Taiwan’s return to the World Health Organisation. The event was aimed at drawing attention to the unfair decision of the WHO about the exclusion of Taiwan from this organisation and the attempt to subordinate the activities of Taiwan to the control of China.

The event was aimed at drawing attention to the unfair decision of the WHO about the exclusion of Taiwan from this organization and the attempt to subordinate the activities of Taiwan to the control of China
The event was aimed at drawing attention to the unfair decision of the WHO about the exclusion of Taiwan from this organization and the attempt to subordinate the activities of Taiwan to the control of China

On behalf of the Ukrainian civil society, we express our categorical disagreement about WHO’s decision. It is unfair and illogical to exclude a country that is among the top 15 richest countries in the world, a country that was the first to inform the world about the threat of the coronavirus, a country that successfully fought the pandemic.

The event was aimed at drawing attention to the unfair decision of the WHO about the exclusion of Taiwan from this organization and the attempt to subordinate the activities of Taiwan to the control of China
The event was aimed at drawing attention to the unfair decision of the WHO about the exclusion of Taiwan from this organization and the attempt to subordinate the activities of Taiwan to the control of China

China is trying to silence the voice of Taiwanese society, humiliating and not recognising the power and autonomy of Taiwanese people. We Ukrainians face the same methods of influence of Putin’s imperialist regime.

The voice of the Taiwanese people will never be silenced, and we will do everything to make them heard!

We also express gratitude to Ambassador Lee for the opportunity to be present and support Taiwan in the EU and Belgium

Promote Ukraine Team

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