The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has taken the first important step towards equality between women and men in childcare and responsible parenthood, Deputy Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Olena Kondratiuk announced.

According to her, a new bill stipulates equal rights of mothers and fathers for the upbringing and taking care of children in the first important months of their lives.

“It is the right of a father to take additional parental leave as in many countries of the European Union. For example, in Finland, fathers can take up to 9 weeks’ paternity leave, in Portugal – 5 weeks, in Lithuania – 4 weeks,” Kondratiuk said.

According to her, legal conditions have not yet been created in Ukraine for fathers to be able to take full responsibility and share with mothers care for newborns and allow mothers to return to work if necessary.

“Our bill eliminates discrimination against men in all these matters. This step towards equality is also in line with Ukraine’s commitments within the Council of Europe, the Association Agreement with the EU. I am grateful to everyone who joined us in preparing this legislative initiative and voted for it,” Kondratiuk summed up.

Natalia Tolub

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