On the eve of the June 9 elections, Géopolis, the February 24 Group collective, the non-profit organization Promote Ukraine and Resu invited French-speaking Belgian parties to debate various subjects linked to the war in Ukraine.

, the non-profit organization Promote Ukraine and Resu invited French-speaking Belgian parties to debate various subjects linked to the war in Ukraine
the February 24 Group collective, the non-profit organization Promote Ukraine and Resu invited French-speaking Belgian parties to debate various subjects linked to the war in Ukraine

– What is the victory of Ukraine for Belgian parties?

– How do they see their contribution to it, and what should Belgium do to increase its capacity to support Ukraine?

– Do they support the confiscation of immobilized Russian assets and further sanctions on Russia?

– Do the Belgian politicians support the EU integration of Ukraine?

These and others crucial topics were debated on May 28.

, the non-profit organization Promote Ukraine and Resu invited French-speaking Belgian parties to debate various subjects linked to the war in Ukraine
the non-profit organization Promote Ukraine and Resu invited French-speaking Belgian parties to debate various subjects linked to the war in Ukraine

We express gratitude to Géopolis / Euradio for taking the lead in organising this debate, and to the representatives of different parties who took part in this debate:

Philippe Close (PS)

Michel De Maegd (MR)

Isabelle Durant (Ecolo)

Сharles-Etienne Lagasse (Défi)

Hans Van Gaever (VOLT)

The record of the debates you can find here: https://euradio.fr/…/jlLR-debat-ukraine-quen-pensent…

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