Terrible Terrorist Attack in Zaporizhzia

Terrible Terrorist Attack in Zaporizhzia

[ad_1] Zaporizhzhia. The terrible terrorist attack by Russia against Ukrainians who wanted to rescue their closest one from temporary occupied territories. ‼️ 25 killed and 74 wounded. [ad_2] Source
No Words for Russian Torturers

No Words for Russian Torturers

[ad_1] No words. Russian torturers..... The 1st photo shows Mykhaylo Dianov after Russian captivity. The 2nd photo shows him at Azovstal steelworks. Russia has long lost its human face and must be isolated completely! [ad_2] […]
See What Russian Captivity Does to People

See What Russian Captivity Does to People

[ad_1] In these photos, you can see what Russian captivity does to people. This is how Mykhailo Vershynin, the head of the Mariupol Patrol Police, changed due to his capture. Russia must be held accountable […]
Putin Announces Partial Mobilisation

Putin Announces Partial Mobilisation

[ad_1]Putin has announced partial mobilisationMobilisation measures for the recruitment of Russian citizens who are in the reserve and have military service experience begins today. In total, there should be 300,000 reservists. After mobilisation was announced, […]