Mrs Kalniete, Group of the European People’s Party, member of the EU-Ukraine delegation at the European Parliament made the following video statement:

Dear Belarusian friends!

The whole world admires you, your determination. To change your country you require fair elections. I want you to know that in the European parliament, in the European Union, we do not consider these elections either free nor fair. And for us, President Lukashenka is not reelected president. He has no legitimacy. For us, he is persona non grata. And with every upcoming day, he is becoming more and more toxic for world leaders as a partner for dialogue. That’s why we are insisting on the new presidential elections which are conducted in presence of international observers and without Yermoshina (Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus – ed.) and her team. It is important that the transition to a new democratic Belarus goes through the elections and the change. And we welcome you. We know that you will need financial assistance, you will need moral assistance, and as long as you are continuing this non-violent resistance and fight for your freedom, the sympathy of the world is with you.

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