The Ukrainian Hub hosted the Reconstruction of Childhood exhibition of contemporary art in Europe today. The exhibition was organised under the auspices of the European Parliament. During the opening, representatives of the European Parliament and European opinion leaders expressed their support in speeches. The speakers emphasised the important role of art in the ongoing war and raised the issue of children’s rights in Ukraine.

the Ukrainian Hub hosted an exhibition of Ukrainian contemporary art in Europe "Reconstruction of Childhood"
the Ukrainian Hub hosted an exhibition of Ukrainian contemporary art in Europe "Reconstruction of Childhood"

“Supporting the Ukrainian people means resisting violence and atrocities. Supporting Ukrainians means protecting peace, preserving international principles, and nurturing a peaceful European future,” Pina Picierno said.

the Ukrainian Hub hosted an exhibition of Ukrainian contemporary art in Europe "Reconstruction of Childhood"
the Ukrainian Hub hosted an exhibition of Ukrainian contemporary art in Europe "Reconstruction of Childhood"

Art now is not only about pictures and creativity, it is about the influence and mood of people, it is about struggle and outpouring of emotions. Ukrainians are extremely talented and creative, and our art should be a weapon against the aggressor country.

the Ukrainian Hub hosted an exhibition of Ukrainian contemporary art in Europe "Reconstruction of Childhood"

We thank the Ukrainian artists for their works. Special thanks to the children whose drawings became the main object of the visitors’ attention.

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