Russian Terror

Russian Terror Having no success on the battlefield, the Russian invaders continue to terrorise the civilian population of Ukraine with constant missile and drone attacks that result in numerous casualties. For the second night, the Russian […]
Horrific Night for Ukrainians

Horrific Night for Ukrainians

Last night, the enemy viciously attacked the peaceful cities of Ukraine with missiles and UAVs. Peaceful people who slept at night in their homes and non-residential objects became the targets of terrorists. As a […]
A Terrorist Attack by Russian Occupiers on Peaceful Mykolaiv

A Terrorist Attack by Russian Occupiers on Peaceful Mykolaiv The occupying power never ceases to prove that the main goal of this war is terror and the destruction of Ukrainians and everything Ukrainian. At night, Russia hit Mykolaiv with four Kalibr missiles launched […]
Zaporizhzhia. A Russian missile hit a multi-storey building

Zaporizhzhia. A Russian missile hit a multi-storey building

Zaporizhzhia. Right now, a Russian missile hit a multi-storey building. Russia is shelling the city with bestial savagery. Residential areas where ordinary people and children live are being fired at. The terrorist state seeks to […]
Russia Attacked the Energy System of Ukraine

Russia Attacked the Energy System of Ukraine

Damaging 40% of the entire infrastructure, Russia launched 36 missiles and 16 kamikaze drones across Ukraine. While the whole world watches what is happening in Ukraine with horror, Bozar's first performance of "The Master & […]
Attack on Kyiv Is Terrorism

Attack on Kyiv Is Terrorism

Kamikaze drones and missiles were attacking all of Ukraine all night and morning long. A massive drone attack was launched on Kyiv, damaging energy facilities and a residential building.   The enemy may hit our […]